Super Love

Powerful picture of Gods powerful love within each one of us … And I found it very encouraging, so wanted to “share the love” so to speak.
Enjoy 🙂

In My Father's House

?????????? Powerful people walk in God’s Super Love. Weak people walk in selfish love.

God’s Super Love travels faster than a speeding bullet…it’s more powerful than a locomotive…it’s able to leap over the tallest walls of fear and hurt…

Super Love has x-ray vision, able to penetrate the darkest and coldest of hearts.

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Having a light bulb moment!

Oh my goodness … I am totally having a light bulb moment!! I was baking this morning (yes baking!!  That was after making two loaves of bread … yer baby!!)  and heard our 10yr old reading the bible to the other three.

She was reading Matt, specifically Matt 14: 22-33 …

Jesus Walks on the Water

Immediately He made the disciples get into the boat and go ahead of Him to the other side, while He sent the crowds away. After He had sent the crowds away, He went up on the mountain by Himself to pray; and when it was evening, He was there alone. But the boat was already a long distance from the land, battered by the waves; for the wind was contrary. And in the fourth watch of the night He came to them, walking on the sea. When the disciples saw Him walking on the sea, they were terrified, and said, “It is a ghost!” And they cried out in fear. But immediately Jesus spoke to them, saying, “Take courage, it is I; do not be afraid.”

Peter said to Him, “Lord, if it is You, command me to come to You on the water.” And He said, “Come!” And Peter got out of the boat, and walked on the water and came toward Jesus. But seeing the wind, he became frightened, and beginning to sink, he cried out, “Lord, save me!”  Immediately Jesus stretched out His hand and took hold of him, and said to him, “You of little faith, why did you doubt?” When they got into the boat, the wind stopped. And those who were in the boat worshiped Him, saying, “You are certainly God’s Son!”

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It really is a key to the Kingdom!

I’m referring to discipleship – true, authentic discipleship!  Iron sharpening iron.  Contending for truth together. It is a key to our walk with Him. It is a key to growth. It is a key to learning. It is a key to love.


God has brought some incredible people into my life, and as we meet together regularly and openly, there is life. It is not about agreeing, it is about contending, sharing, loving, praying and walking. I am actually gob-smacked at how much life there is to be found here. There is such a depth of growth. Continue reading

Still alive!!

Yes I am still alive!!  And yes God and I are still very much on a journey together.

It’s touching that people noticed I was ‘quiet’ – possibly because me being quiet is very out of character lol!!

To say that life has been crazy busy is an understatement. Good busy, but crazy non the less!!  Far to crazy to catch a moment to write.

Don’t get me wrong though … It has been an incredible few weeks of prayer, fellowship, exercise, discipleship, weddings, an overseas event, homeschooling, foster children, family, birthdays, life. Continue reading

On the path that leads to Him.

After writing the blog about the things I have noticed changing about me, I had the privilege of listening to a friend of mine preach an incredible message, I urge you to listen to it here.  It was challenging, encouraging, and so bathed in truth … give it a listen and you’ll see what I mean – Go Sam!!

It’s funny how I wondered if I had in fact been born again.  I know satan would love to have me down the “rabbit hole of doubt”.  But Sam’s message encouraged me, that through the changes I can see when I look at my life, it is becoming evident that it can but only have been Him and a baptism I received from Him that has caused the changes in me.  I could never have done these changes in the flesh – believe me I have tried! Continue reading

I’ve noticed …

In this process of redefining, new birth, new life, I have noticed things are changing.  Things in me – my responses, my reactions, my idols, my priorities … me!!

I have noticed that when children misbehave the norm response is becoming lower voice, love, calm.  I have noticed a peace over our home like never before.  I am not resenting things like house work anymore.  I know that sounds random, but I use to feel ripped off that I had to clean up after everyone, often while they were all off having fun outside (or inside!), and no sooner had I finished but either the house was a mess again or the next meal was needed and another clean up ensued lol!  Come on, anyone who has ever dealt with children can fully relate!!

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Learn to celebrate Him!

I am not sure why God has suddenly stirred me to share this story – He began stirring me last night while reading another blog.  He asked me to share a part of it with the author of the blog.  And since then, He hasn’t let the thought of writing the whole story escape my mind.

I have been set free from many things in my past … many things.  As a result, I live in the now and celebrate that I am not a victim of my circumstances any longer.  I am walking in freedom.  I am walking in healing.  I am walking in Him, and lots of Him.  The danger for me is … I often forget to celebrate the victories, miracles and countless blessings He has bestowed upon me over the years.  I do this out of a desperation to not fall prey to the past hurts, thoughts, or binding chains ever again!  

Right now though, I feel Him calling me to celebrate … no to drag up the past, but to remember just how good He is and how much He has carried me through and set me free from!  Praise you Lord!

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Words of my mouth.

Father has been stirring me to change, as being born again should always do – change, growth, new me!

One of the many things He is working on in me is the words I utter. The bible talks a lot about the words we speak, and the power of the tongue.  As we journey, I believe that God wants everything that comes out of our mouths to be pleasing to Him.

Psalm 19:14  May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing to you, O Lord, my rock and my redeemer. Continue reading

Noah moment or Jonah moment?

Lets just begin by saying … I know I am not Noah – i.e. God has not said “hey Naggie, I have seen you and you are the only one that I have found righteous“.  No, no, no … that is not what I have heard 🙂

The reason for this post is to share with you what God has been talking to me about over the last little while.  And to possibly help in those decision making moments that we all face … when we hear and either obey, or disobey.

God has been showing me, every time He talks to me about something, I have a decision to make, to hear and obey, no matter what the cost, that is, to have a Noah moment!”  Or to hear and disobey and walk the other direction, that is, to have a Jonah moment!Continue reading


We have been talking together about what it might look like to have nothing! What it would look like to have no home, no food, no job, no friends, no family, no money … Nothing. That even your basic things needed to survive seemed unmet. You were lost, broken, alone, hungry, homeless.

We, as a family, have all these things … A home, car, friends, family, job, money, full cupboards, we are BLESSED!  Yet often I hear my heart complain about what we don’t have! Sharing my hunger for more of this world through lips that say “if only we had a bigger house, more money, newer car … ” the list goes on. Continue reading